Commercial Auto Repair – Auto Collision Shop Insurance
Lupton and Luce offers Commercial Auto Repair – Auto Collision Shop Insurance. Mechanics, employee tools, computers and more are covered. If the Auto Repair/Collision Shop you write has a tow truck, it may be covered on our Commercial Auto Policy (CAP) policy!
How does a tow truck qualify?
- Towing services offered only from the point of breakdown back to their shop for
the repair work.
- Uses Light/Medium-weight tow trucks.
- Utilizes experienced truck operators with acceptable driving records.
What else do I need to consider?
- A copy of the tow-truck work order will be requested.
- Types of garages we write include:
-Auto Repair
-Auto Collision Repair
-Air Conditioning Systems
Round Out Your Business with a Commercial Umbrella Policy!
With an Auto Repair Policy and Commercial Auto Policy from Lupton and Luce, you may be eligible for a Commercial Umbrella Policy.
For more on Commercial Auto Repair – Auto Collision Shop Insurance for your business, contact us here.