Winter is in full swing, which means there are weather-related hazards to be aware of that could impact your home. There are common winter home insurance claims that are filed as well as insurance policies that can cover these common claims. Learn about common claims to prevent them and keep your costs low.
At Lupton & Luce Inc., we’re here to help assist you with your home insurance policy.
Common Winter Home Insurance Claims
There are some common winter hazards related to homeowners insurance claims. The following claims involve weather-related hazards such as ice, wind, hail and house fires:
Ice build-up—Damage can occur when a rapid freeze follows a major thaw. This process causes ice to build up, which can put strain on your home’s structure, depending on where the build-up is located.
Frozen pipes—Water has the potential to freeze inside of your pipes. If your pipes have ice in them, the pipes can burst, which could cause long-term damage to carpets, drywall, appliances and other assets.
Wind and hail damage—Hail damage is expensive and often unavoidable. Optimal coverage and various safeguarding options can help.
House fires—The winter season entails a lot of holidays. Holidays can cause a significant increase in house fires. In addition to holiday-induced fires, space heaters also compromise the danger of fires during the winter.
Although there are different winter risks, there are ways to prevent damage, including with your insurance coverage. 
Home Insurance Coverage
Homeowners insurance can help protect damages to your home depending on the amount of coverage you have. A standard homeowners policy usually covers the following:
Damage from snow or freezing rain
Frozen or burst pipes
Ice damage
Damage from falling ice or snow
Damage from the accumulated weight of snow on the structure
Be sure to review your homeowners policy to be sure you’re appropriately protected against the risks in your area.
Winter Home Insurance Claims Prevention Tips
While you can’t completely prevent winter weather from impacting your home, you can do things that will help lower the risk of claims. Check the following list of tips to see how you can safeguard your home this season:
Have well-insulated pipes. Well-insulated pipes, along with a check from the plumber, can ensure a low likelihood of freezing or bursting pipes.
Inspect your attic. Your attic is typically less insulated than other areas of your house, meaning tit’s more prone to freezing.
Weatherproof your home. To prevent cold air from entering your home, make sure your windows, doors, vents and other gaps where cold air might come in are weather tight.
Install low-temperature alarms. These can be the most useful when installed in areas where there is plumbing.
Look for cracks in the exterior walls of your home. Cold air can enter through cracks in the walls and cause pipes to burst. If you find any cracks, use caulk or call a trusted contractor.
Run your water.
Inspect heating appliances. As part of your yearly inspection, check your appliances, such as boilers, furnaces and water heaters.
Trim trees near your home. Ice and snow can weigh branches down, causing them to break. Trimming the trees could prevent injury as well as protect your home’s structure.
Contact Us Today
To get started on your winter home insurance claims prevention, contact your agents at Lupton & Luce, Inc. today. It’s never too late to reassess your homeowners insurance policy why you’re reviewing your home’s needs as well. If your needs have changed, talk with your agent about adapting your coverage as well.
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